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“Magic” is an extended ex-ploration into aspects of trans-formation, a theme developed with the Corvus Rex im-ages and the Chrysalid works; projects which present works involving gestation, birth and metamorphosis. The Magic se-ries references illusion, the un-known, myth, the psyche and prestidigitation.

Magic... the scenarios are nev-er simple or self-evident. Hid-den meanings and mysteries simmer below the surfaces. The viewer is pulled into the narrative image. Hints of par-able or allegory abound with   mythical   muse   figures or symbolism. This visual teasing works, even though one’s first reaction may be one of unease or mild fear. It’s the same feeling the addict of fairytales might have upon contacting an intimate and familiar dream-scape in a story, part-wonder, part-fas-cination and part-nightmare. An encounter with some nu-minous, transforming under-current of magic is at hand. The artworks are a source of beguilement and beauty, with an edge.


– Yvonne Owens

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